
The Phantom of the Opera, a graphic novel

Created by Becky Laff

book 1 (of 2) a graphic novel adaptation of Gaston Leroux's 1910 masterpiece

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UPDATE and a humble request...
10 months ago – Tue, Oct 03, 2023 at 06:19:53 AM

Hello, my wonderful kickstarter backers!! I want to say HI! and express my undying gratitude yet again. I'm kicking ass on Book 2, phamily! I'm finishing up page 80 (of 135) and I'm on track to launch the next kickstarter toward the late summer/early autumn of 2024. You can read a lot of it on Webtoon right now but go to patreon to be completely up to date.

And now my humble request.... if you have time PLEASE rate and review The Phantom of the Opera, a graphic novel Book 1 on Amazon. IF you don't have time to write a review, that's ok, but please just give it the star rating you feel it deserves. This is such a huge help for getting the book to show up higher in searches--it will make a huge difference!

Here's a link to take you there:

Phamily, I am so excited for next year! I cannot wait to read this book all the way through without breaks--and book 2 is coming out so much better than I imagined--I cannot wait to share it with you! It will be around 312 pages! (hmmm maybe I should shoot for 314 bc then it'll be Pi) OMG it will be so incredibly beautiful!

Thank you so much for all your support and to everyone who has taken the time to rate and review--you have no idea what huge help you have been, I love you all so much!!!

Love, love, love,


OOOPS! IF you received 2 copies....
over 1 year ago – Wed, Dec 21, 2022 at 09:33:00 PM

...I"m so sorry for the confusion and inconvenience! IF you got a second book it's bc I did a sample printing of labels and accidentally double printed a few as a result. It's an easy fix, just write "return to sender" on the label and pop it back in the mail. If you did open it, just tape it back up nice and secure.

I'm so sorry for the silliness! And thanks to those who brought this to my attention!

Just got back from shipping off another 40 books!

Love, love, love!


Shipments have begun!!!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Dec 21, 2022 at 06:24:11 PM

Phamily!!! I've already sent out 24% of your orders! I'm breaking them down into chunks so I wanted to let you know how I did that...

*The first books to go out (which already have) are the books that didn't have any signature or drawing. Those went out on Tuesday, Dec 20.

*Today I'm sending out the books that have a signature on the cover!

*Thursday and Friday(the 22 and 23rd)  I am sending out the books that have a signature and a drawing of either Erik or Christine. (And omg they came out so nicely! YAY!)

*The posters are coming after that! We broke the packages up to take advantage of the media mail discount. So, for those of you who got posters, you have another package coming, later.

*For those who got an original piece of art, I will be in touch with each of you next week to figure out which one to choose for you. That will be a third, separate shipment, the keep the art protected.

I am currently working with amazon to get the books listed most's not as easy as I hoped it would be. But their customer service is always really good and helpful so I'm sure it'll all be ok...sigh I'm so impatient. 

 I will let you all know when it's listed because you guys have to post reviews, of course!!

I'm so excited for you to get your books and I can't wait to hear your reviews and feedback! 

Phamily, never forget was YOU who made this happen!!!

Love, love, love,


over 1 year ago – Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 08:21:56 PM

Book 1 is home with me, FINALLY!!!

OMG, you guys!!!!!  PrintNinja did such an INCREDIBLE JOB!!!!  I was so so worried something would wrong, or the darks would be too muddy...but the exact opposite happened--it's even more beautiful than I imagined! The digital images pale in comparison.

The weight of it, the size of it, the smell of's a REAL BOOK, you guys!!! I can't believe it!!!!
Sorry for the glare but these are some smoothe, glossy pages! a wonderful aesthetic experience and Perfect for ASMR!

You guys, my wonderful backers who made this happen, I am in tears! Thank you so much for helping me make this possible! I am so proud and excited for you all to get your copies and if you love them I hope you'll please post about it, review it, share or whatever you can think of to spread the word.

I'm having a packing party this weekend and my goal is to have all your books shipped out by the 19th...if you live in the contiguous United States there is a possibility you'll get your copy by Christmas, after all! but, as always, I can't guarantee anything when it comes to shipping things. 

 But I can guarantee will LOVE This book! It will be among your favorites.

If anyone has last minute address issues, contact me here ASAP and I'll make a note of it.

Thank you again so much!

Love, Beckaroo!

over 1 year ago – Fri, Dec 09, 2022 at 07:27:48 PM

WOW, phamily....when I posted that last update I did not expect I would get a tracking number in the middle of the night! The Books are officially on land in the US! I haven't been able to successfully track them, yet bc I think they just got counted as having arrived and haven't moved anywhere, yet.... BUT I am not very far from the Pacific coast, just one state over so I'm hoping .... MAYBE? ....POSSIBLY?? the books may get her by Xmas!!! I hope so! (but I Can't make a guarantee, I'm just very hopeful)

The next update will be to let you know that I'm putting your orders together--I'm so incredibly grateful for all of you for making this possible! I am so excited!!! I hope you all have a wonderful day today, more is coming!

Love, love, love,
