
The Phantom of the Opera, a graphic novel

Created by Becky Laff

book 1 (of 2) a graphic novel adaptation of Gaston Leroux's 1910 masterpiece

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update about surveys!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Jul 07, 2022 at 08:18:06 PM

Hey Phamily! 

I apologize, I thought I was supposed to send out surveys right away--but, as it turns out, July 20th is the soonest I can get them to you. UGH! I got a little ahead of myself because I can't wait to get all your rewards out to you!! 

 We are going to send the files to print as soon as the funds are available, so the waiting will be as minimal as I can make it because, in my opinion, the waiting is the hardest part of making books!

In meantime, feel free to reach out to me with any questions!

Look for your surveys on July 20th!

Thanks so much!


Book 1 is going to print!!!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Jul 07, 2022 at 01:24:34 AM

This has been one crazy month, phamily!! I’m so excited we reached 2 stretch goals! I’m putting the finishing edits on the book and I want to have a thank you page for all of you who made this happen!

I’m working on the surveys today and will get them out by Friday. I really want to get this book to you by December and that should happen. The only issue is that since the pandemic shipping times have been less reliable and delays are more common. But I think I’ve got enough of a window that December will work. If anything changes for sooner or later I will let all of you know!

The PDF version will be released by the end of July, 2022. I want it to be perfect, I appreciate your patience while it get it there!

You guys, I’m so incredibly happy! You made mmy dream come true! I’m going to have a treat today and so should all of you!

 This is your success, too!

Your surveys are coming and there is so much more, too!

Back to work!!

Love to all of you!


about 2 years ago – Mon, Jul 04, 2022 at 12:37:15 AM

I'm so excited guys, we are doing so well going into this last weekend! I'm thinking we may even some buttons and bookmarks. You'll defintely want a bookmark for this book!

Kevin Vonesper and I did out Livestream and it was fun! We talked about my art for the book and also lots of other versions of phantom. Check it out!

 Found a Phantom episode 002 featuting Becky Laff 

I'm so happy that I got the opportunity to chat with Kevin, he's really fun to talk to! I'm sure we'll do it again! I hope you all are having a wonderful Saturday! I am so excited to see what we accomplish before the the 6th! Thank you all so much!!!

Love to all of you!


We're going LIVE!! Found a Phantom with Kevin Vonesper! Tonight @ 6pmPST/9pmEST
about 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 01, 2022 at 07:53:57 PM

Hi Phamily!! Tonight Kevin Vonesper and I are going live on YouTube! 6pmPST/9pmEST

Join us!

I won't mess up the timezones this time! I've got ALL my alarms set!

Use this link, Phamily! 

I can't wait to chat all things Phantom and say hi to you, too!

We have ONE LAST WEEKEND to get as many stretch goals as we can!!! (I really hope we can get the teaser scene in, it's so good!)

Thank you all so much for supporting this work!

Love, love, love!


We've Reached the First Stretch Goal!
about 2 years ago – Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 08:47:23 PM


I woke up to amazing news, AGAIN! We reached the first stretch goal! I'm excited because a wrap-around cover design will really take the book to next level GORGEOUS! YAY!!

Thank you all so much! I think I might have to start drawing up the teaser scene pages! You'll love them!

Love to all of you!
